When the Walls Fell
In the ancient city of Dodol, a once thriving haven for the Daur people, an unexpected and devastating siege by the Darkar invaders plunges the city into chaos. As the city burns, a small but determined group of defenders, led by the gluttonous yet skilled noble, Maladon, and his brave companions, Nogg, Bargo, Amylia, and Vyra, stand against overwhelming odds on the city’s walls. Armed with nothing but their wits, arrows, and Maladon's fragile command of magic, they attempt to hold back the tide of darkness threatening to consume their home.
With the city's fall inevitable, the group must navigate through the smoldering ruins and the perilous wilderness beyond, carrying with them not only the wounds of battle but also the weight of a dire message: the Darkar's siege is not merely a campaign of conquest, but part of a far darker plan that could spell doom for the entire continent. As they flee through a land stripped of life and magic, they are haunted by the fear that the massacre of their people was but the beginning of a greater horror.
As the heroes push towards the capital, struggling to survive in a world where the very essence of life has been drained, they are forced to confront not only the physical dangers around them but also the looming specter of an ancient evil that the Darkar may have unwittingly unleashed. Will they reach the capital in time to warn their people? Or will they fall, like their city, to the growing shadows?
"When the Walls Fell" is an epic tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the fight against an encroaching darkness, where even in the face of utter despair, the spark of hope and heroism still flickers.
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